We’ve resurrected a few items from Neil’s original Nilfun website from the turn of the millennium. Designed by Rakai Karaitiana with Neil, the site featured ”Musical games, art pieces, curious bits of nostalgia and flights of fancy…”
Much of the following was built using now out-dated Flash technology and some features might not display on your browser. You will need a browser with Adobe Flash installed and enabled for this site.
Internet Explorer on PC works well for this page.
For iOS and Android phones and tablets, try the Puffin browser app. (Puffin have announced they will soon have to shut down this service for iOS.)
Other browsers might download the files and not play them unless Adobe Flash is correctly installed and enabled.
Visit these links for set up assistance:
Adobe Flash Download
Mac & PC Firefox: Flash installation instructions
Mac Safari: Flash installation instructions
Others: Flash installation instructions
Please note that some features are incomplete and that the elevator is hosted on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine external website. In most cases, you can find your way back to this page by clicking your browser’s back arrow.
Have fun exploring. We’re adding more Nilfun items every now and then.
(Latest update: 31st May 2020.)
Selections from Neil Finn's Nilfun webcasts in the former Roundhead basement, 17th January, 10th April and 13th November 2001. Flash not required. First video starts 9 seconds in.
The official music video for "Rest Of The Day Off" by Neil Finn. From the album One Nil. aka One All. Video directed by Grant Gee.
Neil’s diary post on nilfun.com, Sunday, April 08, 2001:
phew.....what a week, one of the most memorable musical experiences of my life...it was such a joy to play music with Lisa, Sebastian, Phil, Ed, Johnny, Tim, Eddie, Liam, Matt, Joe Paul and Chris ... aside from the music, they are all such wonderful, open and generous people... it felt like a very special thing unfolded through the week ... We became a band in a very short period of time, a band with character and heart and then had the good sense to break up before it all turned to shit... we take away nothing but good memories and a stronger desire to play music for the sheer joy of it.
thank you to all of the weeks audiences.. there was some intense moments between us, some beautiful singing, some memorable heckling, you willed us on to some great heights.. I hear that the webcast was difficult for some of you to tune into.. its still a young technology and there will be trainwrecks but we are trying... hopefully most of you got to see and hear something of Friday nights show... I'm having a permanent setup installed in my studio so that by midyear I can do webcasts at the drop of a hat...watch this space