This Is Massive
Paul Hester
“[Playing This Is Massive on tour with Split Enz] was kind of an out of the body experience. Sometimes I didn’t believe it was happening. How can one of my funny little songs find its way into this setlist? They were very generous. Everyone was aware that I wrote songs, could sing and could hold my own a bit, so they created this opportunity for me to come out and do my song. Y’know, I still to this day regard that as a very, very generous thing to do for me. I was over the moon about getting to have a moment, having my five minutes in the sun.
It ended up being quite a production, my song. At the end of the tour I had this big roadie, just fresh out of jail, carry me on stage above his head - like a dead pig - and put me down on stage. I’d have the guitar and start playing.
I learned a lot about stage craft, having five minutes to play with. Tim and Neil would talk to a crowd the way they’re supposed to be spoken to, so when it’s your turn, you don’t want to drop the ball, you wanna try and keep it going. So it was good for me - a good learning curve.”