Waiting For News
Thank you for your positive response to my first post. It's given me encouragement to push the boat out a bit further and ask for your opinion.
I’ve been thinking for a while that I would love to find a regular news source whose agenda is to present a truthful, in depth account of current events with no political bias or sensationalism and accordingly…. no pressure to get the news out first. I guess the New Yorker does this in print, Time and Newsweek would claim to do this as well but where is the TV or radio network?
The vast majority of "latest news" reporting happens almost simultaneously as events are unfolding, the banners and headlines are quickly designed for maximum attention, panels of “expert" commentators express opinions in a vacuum of knowledge, before it's possible for anyone to have perspective. By the time the truth has emerged, most of the media and public have moved on to the next story. Some of the most obvious questions never get asked. Many misconceptions become accepted truth.
If we have the patience to wait for the news, we have a far better chance of seeing the bigger picture, understanding the problem and designing real change but it takes some real force of will to resist being glued to breaking news.
How much better it could be in the wake of a big news events to just wait 2 or 3 days to engage until the real information has been gathered, organised by wise and dispassionate heads and only then accompanied by intelligent commentary from the best conservative and progressive sources.
Of course, I’m pretty certain what I’m talking about exists already, doesn’t it? I’m not positive though. There are many brilliant journalists who have the highest aspirations. Let me know what news source you trust out there that devotes appropriate time and scrupulous energy to gathering the full story before they present the news.
And while we’re at it, let's ban cars. I’m ready.