Neil Finn

Neil Finn Official Website


I’m back in Auckland for a few weeks after a joyous experience touring Australia and NZ with up and coming band Fleetwood Mac. I think we hit some great heights as a band and I was overwhelmed by the warm reception I received from the home audiences. Thank you one and all!!!

I don’t sleep very well on tour, sometimes needing sleeping pills for assistance. They are comforting to a degree but leave me feeling a bit prickly and discombobulated after a few days. I drift around in a less than optimum state for the afternoon and then luckily by showtime my equilibrium is restored and neuron pathways all clear. This show requires a different kind of concentration to my own shows. I feel the importance and real worth of being a cog in the wheel where details and nuance really matter. Perhaps theatre actors feel the same dedication to the repetitive form of the show and can find pleasure in the interlocking strength of the ensemble when everyone is focused. I do have the odd overwhelming compulsion to go rogue but that will have to wait till next year.

Fangradio has started well. I have made some discoveries and enjoyed the process. I think I will do a request session for my next one so you can Skype with a question and request. The show will be called Requestion of course. I’ll give you a little warning in the next few days. I think I might make it an evening session here in NZ so that the U.K. and Europe can listen live in their morning.

Parting thought... Every grown up that mocks Greta Thunberg is, without exception, a complete moron.

Stay tuned


Copyright © 2025 Neil Finn.