Four Seasons In One Day — Neil Finn website

Neil Finn

Neil Finn Official Website

Four Seasons In One Day

Hi everyone ,

I’m in Perth for the last of 3 nights in a row at the beautiful Kings Park, blue skies overhead and the people in great voice! The shows in Australia have been joyous and I think the band has reached new levels of elevation in between thunderstorms and torrential downpours. My admiration and respect to those of you hardy souls that braved the elements to see us play outdoors in recent days. I hope we warmed you up and lifted you out of your wet clothes for a spell. You sang like you really needed it and I am so grateful… thank you.

I have put together a few pictures of us on stage with Maistrato, the group of four fine men from Greece who have been opening up for us on this Australian tour. I can’t tell you how much warmth and pleasure it has given us to have these guys and their beautiful music playing on and off stage. The audiences seem to be embracing them too. Here’s a video of us doing 4 Seasons In One Day together. I have edited pictures from 2 performances, one from outdoors in Geelong where the heavens opened and the wind rushed in, the other 2 days later from the rather more dry and comfortable Rod Laver arena in Melbourne. The lyrics have never had more meteorological resonance!

Also I have some new developments with the site coming soon, stand by!

Hope you are all seeing light on the horizon.



Footage courtesy of Simon Mark-Brown.

Copyright © 2025 Neil Finn.