Message To Our First Visitors
Welcome, good people, to a website which has been a long time coming. I did some serious flirting with the internet back in 2001 on a site called Nilfun where we assembled musical games, art pieces, curious bits of nostalgia and flights of fancy. We also did some memorable webcasts from my basement, taking requests from our viewers via email. I loved the freedom and possibilities we discovered but then other work came along to distract. I left the internet behind to a large extent, aware that what was mostly needed was good comprehensive access to creative content from across my whole career. Most of these pieces are out there if you care to fossick around but for the first time under one roof, as it were, we have now assembled an excellent array of my work past and present for you to peruse with ease.
We will be adding more each week, including some very rare and unusual pieces. I will also be including some archive works from the Nilfun experiment – which still seem pretty relevant and modern to me.
I hope you enjoy what you find in here. Jeremy has been the curator of much of it, so big thanks there. I am not entirely fluent in the new media, a mere dabbler in Twitter, still with no mobile phone, a refusenik at Facebook – ’til now. I do hope this site enables us to move closer together in a time and place of our choosing.
Neil Finn